Celebração do 10.º aniversário da Obtenção da Categoria de Observadores Associados

O Cônsul Honorário da República da Namíbia, Dr Rogério Tavares foi recebido pelo Secretário Executivo da CPLP, Zacarias da Costa, e pelos representantes permanentes dos Estados-Membros, bem como, em representação do embaixador da Geórgia, a Chefe de Missão Adjunta, Diana Balarjishvili, o Embaixador do Japão, Ota Makoto, o Embaixador da República da Turquia, Haldun Koç, numa cerimónia comemorativa do 10.º aniversário da obtenção da categoria de Observador Associado, no dia 02 de dezembro de 2024, na sede da CPLP, em Lisboa.

Estes países obtiveram a categoria de Observador Associado da CPLP em 2014, pela X Conferência de Chefes de Estado e de Governo, em Díli.

Os Estados com o estatuto de Observador Associado assumem um compromisso com os objetivos e os princípios orientadores da CPLP, reforçando a possibilidade de aprofundar laços ao nível político, económico e cultural, podendo contribuir com empenho em prosseguir a promoção e difusão, ensino e aprendizagem da Língua Portuguesa.

A Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) é o foro multilateral privilegiado para o aprofundamento da amizade mútua e da cooperação entre Angola, Brasil, Cabo Verde, Guiné-Bissau, Guiné Equatorial, Moçambique, Portugal, São Tomé e Príncipe e Timor-Leste.  (Fundada a 17 de Julho de 1996).

Global African Hydrogen Summit 2024 – Strategic Conference Programme

Connecting the energy industry to ignite transformative thought leadership.

Held under the theme From Ambition To Action: Fuelling Africa’s Green Industrialisation, the Strategic Conference will present transformative thought leadership and insights from the minds of heads of government, industry leaders, technology experts and energy pioneers to advocate, showcase and communicate the case for hydrogen and renewable energies as underpinning solutions to both a lower carbon energy system and the blueprint for a green industrial economy. Read More



Namibia‟s industrial ambition is articulated in Vision 2030, which stipulates that the country should be an industrialised nation with a high income by the year 2030.

(NIDA), is a National Agency under both the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises (MFPE) and the Ministry of Industrialization and Trade (MIT) as hybrid governance model for public enterprises in Namibia. The agency was established through act of Parliament Act 16 of 2016 with the mandate to spearhead, among others to develop industrial, agribusiness and business infrastructure as well as facilitate investment attraction in the country. NIDA has also set aside adequate industrial land available for private sector development in different towns across the country, such as in Tsumeb, Otavi, Divundu, Walvis Bay, Karibib, Okahandja, Opuwo, Witvlei, Otjiwarongo, Omaruru, Oshakati, Brakwater and Prosperita in Windhoek.

The agency is requesting interested local and international investors to submit proposal to develop and operate commercial viable operations or projects for the long term leasing and or through joint venture arrangement with NIDA. Read More

CABINET 2021-2025

H.E Dr. Nangolo Mbumba is the President of the Republic of Namibia. He was sworn-in on Sunday, 04th February 2024. He succeeded, H.E Dr. Hage G Geingob, the third President of the Republic of Namibia. The Executive Power of the Republic of Namibia shall vest in the President and the Cabinet. Cabinet description


The Cabinet of the Republic of Namibia has granted authorization to the Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security to introduce an entry visa requirement to countries that have not reciprocated the favourable treatment granted to their nationals when visiting Namibia. This strategic decision, aimed at fostering fair and balanced diplomatic relations, will affect a total of 31 countries. Read more at : MEDIA RELEASE VISA REQUIREMENTS FOR NON-RECIPROCATING COUNTRIES

Expression of interest (EOI) – Trans-Kalahari Railway Line Link in Namibia.

Pic from Africa Research

Expression of interest for funding the feasibility and development of the proposed Trans Kalahari Railway Line. The EOI invite potential investors to participate in the design, construction, financing, operation, maintenance and transfer of the project to the Member States. The EOI document can be downloaded at the website www.tkrpmo.com and enquiries may be directed to the email: procurement@tkrpmo.com

The closing date for the EOI is on the 8th of November 2023 at 10h00 Namibian local time.

The Governments of the Republic of Namibia and the Republic of Botswana entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to facilitate the development of the Trans-Kalahari Railway Line Link in Namibia. In 2014 the two governments signed a Bilateral Agreement on the development of the approximately 1500km railway line, with its associated coal storage, conveying, loading and other ancillary facilities, as well as to unlock other economic enablers en-route or at the terminals.

Namibian Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources in Portugal

Namibian Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources Honourable Derek Klazen was present on the 6th of October at the II #SBEIF2023 – Sustainable Blue Economy Investment Forum in Lisbon. During his stay the Minister and his Executive Director and other member of staff was received as well as Ambassador Albertus Aochamub by the Portuguese Minister Maria do Céu Antunes e a Secretary of Estate Teresa Coelho

A meeting in which bilateral and multilateral #cooperation in the fields of fishing, aquaculture and the implementation of policies that guarantee the #sustainability of resources, the sharing of knowledge and technology and strategies to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing(INN). #economiaemar #xxiiigoverno #pescas🐟

Honorary Consul Rogério Tavares assisted Honorable Derek James Klazen during his visit and exchanged views about Namibia – Portugal cooperation projects on fisheries and marine resources for future actions.

A meeting in which bilateral and multilateral #cooperation in the fields of fishing, aquaculture and the implementation of policies that guarantee the #sustainability of resources, the sharing of knowledge and technology and strategies to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (INN). #fisheries #pesca #namibia #portugal

EU Namibia Business Forum

The first ever EU Namibia Business Forum is taking place in Brussels from 24-25 October 2023.

Namibia is ranked amongst the world’s most politically stable countries with world-leading wind & solar energy resources and its substantial deposits of rare earth and other minerals, and vast ocean biomass resources, Namibia is emerging as a prospective green hydrogen hub and front-runner in the global market for GH2, as well as a resilient, stable, and reliable market for Critical Raw Materials.



Green hydrogen projects have different economic structures and requires a more intricate and dynamic approach. You will agree that all countries have the required resource: the sun, wind and land. Some are better than others, but the difference between Namibia, Mauretania, Australia and Chile, for example, are small. This means large hydrogen projects can be built in many countries around the world. As there is limited capacity globally to build these projects, there is a global race for projects to be first to market. Given the size of the green hydrogen opportunity, various governments in wealthier nations have in fact resorted to providing billions of US dollars in subsidies and tax credits to make those countries more attractive to developers in order to attract investment.

Namibia Trade Network 2022/23

The Namibia Trade Network is a Multi-Platform media network of Namibian businesses, business professionals and trade-related information to promote and encourage local and foreign investment. Namibia Trade Network has been at the forefront of the Namibian Government’s information campaign to market Namibia and its products to the potential investors and is the pillar of information dissemination to the private-sector. The Annual publication is a review of Namibian Trade & Industry featuring the local economy, the Namibian Government, Private and Professional Organisations, Diplomatic Missions, Parastatals and Local Authorities.