A beautiful and very touching Ceremony indeed took place today 25th February 2024 in Windhoek, Namibia for the late President HE Dr. Hage Gottfried Geingob’s Funeral. Hage Gottfried Geingob …the one who arrived ( Hage) the God’s Friend ( Gottfried) fulfilled his mission on earth serving his country and his fellow Namibians without distinctions. Yet keeps being the Light to Namibia, to Africa and to the Men and Women of Peace, Justice and Solidarity around the World.

On his death he truly United his people, spreading his unique brotherly Love, calling for forgiveness and inclusivity, and to look at the future with Hope, inspiring Namibians keeping on building a strong Nation with Harmony and Happiness.
As HE used to say, Inclusivity spell Unity, Liberty, Justice and Harmony…Exclusivity spell conflict…..
As pronounced by the former First Lady Madam Monika Geingos in her very moving speech “ Hage was a old soul with a youthful spirit “….” he was a leader not a follower”!
Proud to be part of the History of this fantastic country!
Proud to be once invited to become the Honorary Consul of Namibia to Portugal!
Long life to Namibia with so strong foundations!

Honorary Consul of Namibia | Lisbon – Portugal